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This has been a long journey. I actually began writing in grade school. I wrote my stories longhand and the pages would be passed around among my classmates. I knew then that I was destined to be a writer.

Being a writer was my destination, but there were many detours along the way.

I married my childhood sweetheart, the love of my life, and she has remained at my side for more than forty years.

I would often start writing while working at various non-skilled and skilled jobs. Those manuscripts were never completed.

At the age of twenty-seven, I knew that I needed a radical change in my life and joined the Air Force. Even while I was standing guard duty in boot camp, I continued to write.

Once out of boot-camp, and after completion of technical school, I was given the opportunity to realize another of my dreams. I have always wanted to teach and, due to a shortage of instructors, I was offered an instructor position in the Cryptography School. There I worked with some of the best friends that I have ever known.

I taught myself computer programming and gained minor fame among users of a certain 8-bit computer. (My fame lives on–just search the Internet for “Carl England the Defeater.”

But despite the many paths I have traveled, I always drifted back to writing. After many false starts and incomplete novels (and a few short stories that never found a market,) I decided that it was time to make a commitment to finally complete a novel.

That commitment produced my first novel, “Alphabet Soup.”

I continue to write. I have six published novels, a self-published novella, and several self-published short stories. I also have three short stories that have been included in anthologies.

I am currently working on the sequel to The Ethics of Silence.

My favorite places to write are on the beach (naturally) and in the gazebo (pictured above) that I designed and built along with a little help from my wife.